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Cupping therapy is a traditional treatment procedure that has gained immense popularity in the past few years. This is a healing method that enables you to deal with multiple health concerns such as headaches, neck pain, back pain, etc. Cupping acupuncture in Oro Valley involves cups that are strategically placed on your skin- a suction force is used to pull your skin toward the upward direction.

Individuals suffering from blood disorders (hemophilia and anemia), skin problems (acne and
eczema), rheumatic diseases (fibromyalgia and arthritis), migraines and high blood pressure are the right candidates to opt for a cupping therapy. In this comprehensive blog, let’s explore the benefits of cupping therapy along with the do’s and don’ts related to the method. Dig deeper for more insights.

Cupping Therapy

Highlighting the Benefits of Cupping Therapy 

Cupping acupuncture in Tucson has a lot to offer- scheme through them one by one:

● Helps You to Release Toxins
As you already know, our blood contains toxins- by adhering to the cupping methods, one can choose to release toxins in an effective manner. Since cupping therapy results in focused blood flow, it enables your lymphatic system to flush out the toxin content.

● Boosts Blood Circulation
When cups are placed on your body and you get exposed to the suction method, it increases
blood circulation to the specific body part. As a result, it promotes cell repair and relieves
muscle tension seamlessly. Apart from that, cupping contributes to reducing cellulite as smooth as a cakewalk.

● Reduces Scars and Stretch Marks 

Cupping therapies pave the way for increasing blood flow, restoring lymphatic circulation,
disposing toxins and removing excess fluid or edema. This, as a result, keeps stretch marks and scars at bay. According to several studies, it is quite evident that cupping can heal marks and scars even in body areas where there are no cups.

● Keeps Anxiety at Bay

The moments these cups are placed on your skin, it triggers the parasympathetic nervous
system quite immediately. The sequel involves promoting deep relaxation and making you feel at ease. If you are wondering what parasympathetic nervous system is, well, it assists in proper digestion, slows down your heart rate, increases gland and intestinal activities.

● Treats Asthma and Clears Congestion

Congestion is a health condition that is typically caused by several factors like bronchitis, cold and asthma- thanks to the advent of cupping therapy, treating this situation is highly possible now. If you are going through such a condition right now, consider booking an appointment with the best acupuncture in Tucson AZ. The professional healthcares will assess your condition and design therapies according to your needs and preferences. For congestion, they might place the cups on your chest and back, and for sinuses, you can undergo the process of facial cupping.

What Should You Do Before Cupping Therapy? 

Now that we are aware of the benefits of cupping therapy, let’s get into the intricate details onhow we should prepare ourselves before the session. Take a close look at the pointers stated below:

  • The most important thing that you must do is keep yourself fully hydrated. Since cupping therapy shares a fine bond with your lymphatic system, providing plenty of water to this organ is mandatory. A hydrated body will allow your lymphatic system to get rid of the cellular waste. 
  • Make sure to keep yourself safeguarded from getting exposed to sunburn. Cupping therapy is a traditional method that already involves a source of heat- a sunburned skin will only add to the discomfort. After the process is over, you can apply aloe vera on your skin- it will help you feel a bit relaxed and comfortable. 
  • You can eat your food at least one hour before the session. 
  • You don’t need to shave your body hair before a cupping session- it can increase the burning sensation to a great extent. 
  • Exfoliating your skin right before a cupping therapy might not be a great idea- sensitive skin tends to hurt more. If you have exfoliated your screen recently, consider waiting for a couple of days and then book an appointment at Blue Valley acupuncture

What Should You Do After Cupping Therapy?

Once you are successfully one with the cupping therapy, you will have to adhere to these few measures:

  • Drink enough water
  • Take proper and good amount of rest
  • Keep the areas covered with clean materials. 

What to Avoid After Cupping Therapy?

There are certain things that should be prohibited this process- let’s check out what not to do after cupping:

  • Post a cupping appointment, you must resist yourself from getting exposed to alcohol, caffeine, drinks, sugary food items and processed meats. It can unfortunately slow down the healing process. 
  • If you are involved in intense exercises, take a break at least for a few days right after the cupping session. You can get back to your regular drill once you are fit and fine. 
  • Placement of cups in different parts of the body makes it sensitive to temperature. That’s why you must take a step back from enjoying hot tubs, hot showers, saunas and air conditioning. 
  • Don’t reveal yourself to windy and cold conditions as well. 

Your Go-to Expert Cupping Therapists, Reach Us Now

We at Bluemoon Acupuncture and Wellness Center are your go-to specialists- if you are looking for cupping therapies, we’ve got you covered. Apart from that, we focus on Valley acupuncture and wellness and offer well-designed treatment options that are potent enough to battle pain. When you can reach us with just a few clicks, what’s the wait for? We are open and accepting new patients- don’t miss out on your chance to get treated by the best ones in the field.


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