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Bluemoon pulse Diagnostic can reveal much
What’s in a heartbeat? ” Everything, according to Chinese medicine.”
Mojgan Rezaei believe that the human pulse can reveal as much about our health as a barrage of hospital tests. The art of pulse diagnosis traces its roots to ancient China. While Western physicians today may take the pulse briefly to find out the heart’s rhythm and beats per minute, a Chinese medicine practitioner may listen for an hour to make a diagnosis.
Medicine practitioner may listen for an hour to make a diagnosis. “It gives a blueprint and readout for understanding a person’s past history and where they’re headed with their health.
Pulse diagnosis has a language all its own. The practitioner listens for two things — the quality of the pulse and the wave form. Sixty qualities can be used to describe a pulse. The Chinese never practiced dissection, so they never adopted the idea that the pulse was just for the heart. They saw it in holistic terms, as a measure of chi, or life force throughout the body.
A normal pulse is shaped like a bell curve. The pulse can be tense, slippery, vibrating, choppy or empty. The heartbeat can be hollow full-overflowing, long, deficient or tight.

Studying pulse diagnosis is like deciphering Morse code. Some people have an ear for it, and some don’t. To find out how Medical Pulse Diagnosis can reveal about your health contact Bluemoon Acupuncture And Wellness Center at 520-505-1404

Frequently Asked Question
1. What is Medical Pulse Diagnosis (MPD)?
Medical Pulse Diagnosis, or MPD, is a traditional form of diagnostic technique important to assess the inner health of the body by evaluating the pulse. This non-invasive method provides valuable information about the entire health stand of the patient, backing up acupuncture and holistic therapies for complete well-being.
2. How does pulse diagnosis help in treatment planning?
Pulse diagnosis is highly effective for ascertaining the internal balance of a person and planning effective treatment. By examining the internal balance of the organs, blood circulation, and energy flow, Blue Moon Acupuncture practitioners can identify the original cause of the imbalance or disease.
3. Is Medical Pulse Diagnosis accurate?
Yes, Medical Pulse Diagnosis (MPD) is an accurate and efficient method of evaluating biological health. At Blue Moon Acupuncture, trained practitioners use this traditional method for esoteric insight to detect even the slightest imbalances in the body systems using pulse analysis.
4. How long does a pulse diagnosis session take?
A Medical Pulse Diagnosis session typically lasts around 15 to 30 minutes. This includes learning the patterns of your pulses in order to understand the internal balance of your body and to identify any imbalances. This diagnostic tool, which is completely non-invasive, is then used to design a completely personalized treatment program according to the individual and his or her health and wellness needs.
5. Can MPD detect hidden health conditions?
Yes, Medical Pulse Diagnosis (MPD) can detect hidden health issues by identifying subtle imbalances in organ systems, energy flow, and circulation. MPD here at Blue Moon Acupuncture can provide insight into underlying health issues that may not otherwise be obvious. This allows early intervention and a personalized treatment plan very specific to your health needs.