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Mon - Fri: 9:00 -17:00

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Most people believe that acupuncture only offers pain relief. This is true, but, more importantly, acupuncture helps facilitate injury repair and wound healing by accessing energy pathways called meridians. The placement of the acupuncture needles on these pathways improves energy flow, which speeds healing. Acupuncture offers the athlete and the active person many ways to complement their training program. In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang are the two polar yet complimentary opposites, much like the positive and negative aspects of an electric charge. For the athlete, yin would be rest and recovery while yang relates to competing and performing . You could also liken the training period to yin and competition and “game day” to yang. Acupuncture can be incorporated for both of these components of the athletic experience.

Treat Sport Injury Pain With Electroacupuncture

Finding an acupuncturist to treat you during your training, and to assist with performance no matter what your level is, can be a wonderful experience. Not everyone gets results, and it may take time to find the right combination of points that works best for any individual. But when you get them right and can feel a difference, it makes that long run, grueling swim, or rigorous game all the more enjoyable.

For your first appointment call Bluemoon Acupuncture and Wellness Center at (520-505-1442) Or email us at

Frequently Asked Question

1. How does Acupuncture benefit athletes and sports injuries?

Acupuncture speeds up recovery, decreases pain, and aids in circulation, promoting peak performance action for athletes. It treats sports injuries such as sprains, strains, and joint pain through enhanced recuperative powers, a decrease in inflammation, and enhancement of joint flexibility in the affected areas.

2. What types of sports injuries can Acupuncture treat?

Sports injuries can easily be handled by Acupuncture, such as sprains, strains, tendonitis, ligament injuries, muscle pain, or joint problems. Shin splints, tennis elbow, lower backache, and so forth can be effectively countered by Acupuncture.

3. How soon can I return to physical activity after Acupuncture?

The recovery time varies among injuries and persons after treatment. In most cases, light physical activity can be resumed after 24-48 hours. Heavy activity may require a longer time off, depending on the level of severity of the injury.

4. Can Acupuncture prevent sports injuries?

Yes, Acupuncture can help prevent sports injuries through increasing flexibility, improving circulation, and muscle relaxation. It can balance qi in the body, reduce tension, and improve joint mobility.

5. Is Acupuncture effective for chronic pain in athletes?

Yes, Acupuncture is very effective in treating chronic pain in athletes. It releases pain from chronic ailment by minimizing inflammation, upturning blood flow, and stimulating the body’s mechanism for natural healing.

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