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Acupuncture in Oro Valley, AZ, is a helpful treatment for people who are suffering from issues like stress and anxiety. However, there is no guaranteed outcome that it may help in all cases. The locals mostly use it as an alternative medicine for healing chronic pain and other digestive disorders.

In this blog, you’ll know how the practice of acupuncture is helping the local community to improve their mental and emotional wellbeing.

How Stress and Anxiety Helped By Acupuncture in Oro Valley, AZ?

Acupuncture is an alternative medication practice and key part of traditional Chinese medicine in which a professional acupuncturist practitioner holds a comprehensive acupuncture session that involves insertion of thin needles into the skin at some specific points of a patient’s body. Here is how stress and anxiety helped by acupuncture in Oro Valley, AZ, for the local residents:

Controlling Their Stress and Anxiety Hormones

It is helpful for locals as a major stress and relief therapy in Oro Valley, AZ. By doing regular acupuncture, the residents are able to reduce their stress and anxiety levels by gaining control over hormones like cortisol that contribute majorly as a stress and anxiety booster.

Balancing Between Their Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems

Acupuncture in Oro Valley, AZ, is helping the locals in creating the balance between their sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, which can be disturbed with people suffering from anxiety and stress. It activates their parasympathetic nervous system that gives them relaxation.

Deactivating Their Analytical Brain

Acupuncture is providing help as a huge stress and relief therapy in Oro Valley, AZ, for the locals by deactivating their analytical brain, which is responsible for anxiety and stress by affecting some certain areas of their analytical brain that reduces sensitivity to stress and pain that includes:

  • Three Mile Point – located near the kneecap and above the feet.
  • Great Rushing – located between the second toe and thumb in the webbing of feet.
  • Grandfather-Grandson – located in the feet just at the base of the big toe.
  • Inner Gate – located near the pulse of the hands.
  • Outer Gate – located on the exact other side of the inner gate point.
  • Union Valley – located in the webbing between index finger and thumb.
  • Central Treasury – adjacent to armpit.
  • Will’s Chamber – located near the backbone.
  • Shoulder Well – located on the ridge of the shoulder.

Contact Bluemoon Acupuncture Pain and Wellness Center Today!

If you are a resident of Oro Valley or living anywhere in its surrounding areas, look no further than joining Bluemoon Acupuncture Pain and Wellness Center, an excellent acupuncture facility that provides top-quality acupuncture sessions to make you stress and anxiety free.

Call us today at (520) 505-1442 or email us at Also, you can visit our website and book an appointment with our skilled and qualified team of professional acupuncturists. We look forward to assisting you!


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